Come and join our community. Expand your network and get to know new people!
1-Million Strong Killing Cancer TV/Podcast Mini-Docuseries, Episodes #1-5 are in full-on Production Phases (it's going to require some travel too)...1-Million Strong Killing Cancer TV/Podcast Mini-Docuseries, Episodes #1-5 are in full-on Production Phases (it's going to require some travel too).
"With the VIP Fundraiser Event Planning getting merged in, this is really turning into something Special." Stated Mr. Raymond C. Dabney, Co-Founder, Producer.
"It seems to be just getting bigger as we proceed forward. Pre-production, location set planning, casting, and show outlines take a little longer than expected and seems to be a very FLUID situation as things change. We have a few key locations that are ready to start filming along with a couple new Cancer Killing Fundraiser Contests and VIP Events that we will do on the Fly
Once we have our next TV Studio deal done things will flow much smoother on Air! We'll have another home to film in another City for current and future Seasons of the TV/Podcast Docu-Series and the Cancer Killing Variety TV Series, then things will flow much smoother City by City, State by State, right across the Nation!
We’ll be putting out some 'very exciting' corporate updates shortly on Cannabis Science trading status progress and new funding. We’ve felt the SHIFT and now, Timing is certainly on our side with the new changes in the POTUS Administration and the "new incentives" it brings to advance our low-cost cancer killing initiatives!
What an exciting Adventure this Journey has turned into! We can’t wait to share our Success Killing Cancers with the World. Stay tuned and Stay Strong! Change is happening as we Speak”. Concludes Mr. Dabney.
Just a BIG Shout-Out to Everyone! and Thank you! to all our Shareholders and Supporting Public! 2025 the Year of Change is Underway!
God Bless and GODSPEED !!!
Mr. Raymond C. Dabney, President & CEO, Chancellor
American States University (ASU)
Cannabis Science Inc. (CSi-EDP)
iCannabinoid (iCann)
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Hi Raymond,
As a long-standing Loyal Shareholder, I hope that this posting finds you in good health and good spirits. I made my first CBIS purchase...Hi Raymond,
As a long-standing Loyal Shareholder, I hope that this posting finds you in good health and good spirits. I made my first CBIS purchase in Sept 2014 (Dr. Bob was still at CBIS) and I made my last purchase in June 2017; just prior to the Hemp Seizure that F'k-up everything for CBIS going forward.
BUT, on 2017-01-09 CBIS Entered into 1 yr. Research Collaboration Agreement (RCA) with Dana Farber Cancer Institute (DFCI) to Develop Cannabinoid-Based Medications and Associated Delivery Technologies for the Treatment of Cancers.
Then on 2018-01-18 1st Frontiers In Oncology Article: "Nano Particle Drone to Target Lung Cancer with Radio Sensitizers & Cannabis." - KILLING CANCER
And then again on 2018-02-02 CBIS expanded the RCA with DFCI for 5 yrs. (@ $1.8M) to develop Cannabinoid-Based Medications and Associated Delivery Technologies for the Treatment of Cancers. That RCA agreement expired on 2023-02-02.
NOW, On 2023-02-02 the Expanded RCA with DFCI has ended. THE RESULTS ARE NOW KNOWN:
For the $1.8mil investment with DFCI, several Cancer Killing Formulations have been developed.
#1-6 Represents the drug formulations developed by DFCI during the 5yr RCA for treatment of the following cancers:
1. Skin Cancer
2. Breast Cancer
3. Brain Cancer
4. Kaposi's Sarcoma
5. Lung Cancer
6. Pancreatic Cancer
7. CBN Patent Valuation
#7 is the US Patent that was awarded to CBIS which describes the formulation used to treat certain neurological ailments such as ODD, ADD, etc.
On 2023-05-08 it was announced that GBXI signs the first 3 acquisitions for the GBXI Conglomerate (follow link below for details)…
Then On 2023-12-13 you posted the following: "GBXI Corporate Filings, Financials, and trading status has been delayed due to change of control filings and approvals. The Company has several options on the list for trading resumption as it pursues its regulatory approvals. The Company is pursuing the fastest path to trading first and will proceed down the list as it moves towards its ultimate goal of bringing all the GBXI conglomerate company shares back trading again.
QUESTION: Where are we toward the completion of this process?? 50% / 75% / 90% ????
Some info that the I have found about a SPAC is as follows:
When does a SPAC become public?
These types of transactions, most commonly where a SPAC acquires or merges with a private company, occur after, often many months or more than a year after, the SPAC has completed its own IPO. Unlike an operating company that becomes public through a traditional IPO, however, a SPAC is a shell company when it becomes public.
Period to consummate the initial business combination.
A SPAC will typically provide for a two-year period to identify and complete an initial business combination transaction. However, some SPACs have opted for shorter periods, such as 18 months. The SPAC’s governing instruments may permit it to extend that time period. If a SPAC seeks to extend the time period, it may be required to seek shareholder approval. If a SPAC lists its securities on an exchange, it is required to complete an initial business combination within three years of its IPO. IPO proceeds are held in the trust account until a SPAC consummates a business combination or liquidates. If the SPAC is liquidated, shareholders at the time of the liquidation will be entitled to their pro rata share of the aggregate amount then on deposit in the trust account.
On 2023-11-08 an independent entity named Capizate, Inc.; prepared and presented a "Situation Analysis of the GBX International Group" which provided a list of Strengths, Areas of Improvements, and a Cancer Drug Valuation of just one of the drug formulations noted above ($25Mil-$29Mil) - Impressive.
However, here is the list that I have concern for; can't go PUBLIC without being fixed:
Areas for improvement
1. The business documents, agreements, term sheets, engagements are all dated in 2017-2018 and need to be updated.
2. Ownership and control of the intellectual property needs to be defined and confirmed.
3. A similar entity has active registration with California Secretary of State. The Company has a different address than on the Company website and also had a Statement of Info due to the California Secretary of State on 05/10/2023. Registered with the California Secretary of State as a Non-Profit Nonprofit Corporation - CA - Mutual Benefit. This will need to be defined.
(1) Who's working on updating documentation? What's the % complete?
(2) Who owns and/or controls the CBIS Intellectual Property?
(3) is there another entity out there using the same name as Cannabis Science?
Thank you Raymond in advance of your response.
Best Regards
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Our “Inaugural Fundraiser Event” will be held in our own backyard, Vancouver BC, Canada.
“The 2024 Inaugural 1-Million Strong Keep Killing Cancers...Our “Inaugural Fundraiser Event” will be held in our own backyard, Vancouver BC, Canada.
“The 2024 Inaugural 1-Million Strong Keep Killing Cancers Fundraiser Event – Vancouver BC, Canada”.
Multiple Event Specialist(s) Required, Team Vancouver
Join our “Harvard Award Winning Cancer Killing” Fundraiser Event(s) Team, Management, Talent, & Setup Crew – Exciting Opportunities to Grow your Career while Making History and a Game changing Difference Now.
Ever Dream of Making HISTORY?? Now is your time. Don't miss your chance!
APPLY now and be part of history!
*** We are Building the initial MANAGEMENT TEAM of Fundraiser Event Venue Organizers, Sponsorship/Advertising Sales, Hosts, Entertainers, and GO Getters!
You will become a Key Member of our Cancer Killing Success Team. This is the number one Priority, bringing our Low-Cost Cancer Killing Drugs to market NOW !!!
We ALL see the horrible effects Cancer has on our lives, we have almost all been affected with someone who has had Cancer, so we are STANDING UP to Make that Change.
You will STAND UP with us and help make that “Low-Cost Cancer Killing Change” today!
Our 1-Million STRONG Killing Cancer Events themes will cover a Host of styles including, Award Show Dinner Galas, Fashion Shows, 5k Run, 10k-Run, half-Marathons etc … Concert Events, Film Premieres, 1-Million STRONG TV - Celebrities Raising $20 million to Keep Killing Cancers, Endorsements/Performances, and much more!
Our “Inaugural Event” will be held in our own backyard, Vancouver BC, Canada. “The 2024 Inaugural 1-Million Strong Keep Killing Cancers Event – Vancouver BC, Canada”.
Date: To be announced
Venue: To be announced
Theme: To be announced
Our Baseline Success is our “HARVARD Award Winning Cancer Killing Success”, the Journey through the Ministry of Health, the FDA, and other Jurisdictional Process to bring these Low-Cost Cancer Killing Drugs to multiple markets in many different jurisdictions that need these low-cost cancer killing drugs now.
We will be holding all different types of Fun & Informative Cancer Killing Events, Promotions, and Fundraisers in different major cities Worldwide raising money to keep killing cancers and bring our low-cost cancer killing drugs to market now!
1. Canada
2. USA
3. Europe
4. Africa
5. Asia
Our next Cities include Los Angeles, Las Vegas, NYC, Washington DC, Florida,
We are Aggressive to help make changes to the cost prohibitive landscape for cancer killing drugs and make low-cost treatment options available to millions worldwide that need it now.
Our HARVARD Award Winning Cancer Killing Success is the #1 Priority, so we are planning a weekly TV Show, Documentaries, Feature Films, Concerts, Events, Symposiums, Expos, and Conventions, our Teams’ COMBINED Imagination is our Only constraint.
Make that Change, Join the 1-Million STRONG and Keep Killing Cancers!
We will be offering a number of opportunities for the public to participate in our Success treating Cancers and several other Industry opportunities all to push forward the low-cost Cancer Killing Options and bring them to market now!
Our Harvard Award Winning Cancer Killing Success
(1 Million Strong TV)
Celebrities Raising $20 million to Keep Killing Cancers
Our University EDU Degrees and Trade programs
Our TV, Artist, Entertainment, and Media relationships
Our Advanced Online Marketplace Technology
Our Advanced Thermic Energy Technology
Our ASU Scholarship and Apprenticeship Programs, Job Creation
Demographic Focused, High-Growth & Sustainable Economic Development Programs
Our Expos’, Conventions, and Symposiums will outline the many game-changing integrations in Drug Development, Advanced technology, Education, and Job Creation. We will certainly affect a Great positive change with our Team of Scientific experts and Expert go getters!
Our Multiple Industry integration is centered through the University and it offers its Students and Business Partners the Best possible advantages in their Dream job, Sales or Manufacturing expansions, or increased staff through our Advanced ASU Digital HUB Education Programs.
The ASU/CSi-EDP is being designed to be an instant job creation source for any demographic based on multiple industry options. All jurisdictional offerings are based on the economic conditions and goals of that jurisdiction. We have many more opportunities with international expansions across the Globe.
Talk soon Guys!
Let’s make that Change!
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UPDATE #1: September 17, 2022
Absolutely! STEP 6 has begun, Congrats! Everyone...UPDATE #1: September 17, 2022
Absolutely! STEP 6 has begun, Congrats! Everyone.
So many New packages to put together!
This is where it REALLY gets FUN!
The TV Show is a wrap, now in Process.
We are finalizing the PAYMENT Processing and the Payment Fraud Claims, then we will move on to the Certificate processing and Issuances.
(Everyone so far actually forgot, I get it. Lol.)
All receipts sent so far are correct. All receipts not received (for a number of reasons we spoke about several times) your RECEIPTS will be sent with your "CBIS LOYALTY Gift Share package" whether you got one or not so it's coming.
Also, As stated, all Payments are tracked by your email so if you see your payment on your CREDIT CARD you have no stress. Just wait till we get to you in the line please. Unless you NEED us to interrupt everything so YOU can have your receipt now now now. (Maybe you need it now?)
By Monday we should be good to go! Lots of WORK WORK WORK.
We will Categorize GIFT SHARE Processing according to our CSi-Award Lists. This is the order of the current CBIS GIFT Share issuance:
1. CBIS / ENDO / CSi-Crypto
*** You know which list you are on according to what you own.
We will begin the TV Show Award list next. Hopefully MONDAY we can call that a DOUBLE UP, LOLOL. Issue Shares and bring on the TV Cameras at the same time!
We already missed our First Celebrity Concert Tour! Lol. Yeah. Three Cities this weekend! Much more coming for us, so we are Good Good.
This will be GREAT PROMO for us City to City while we are filming! So much more coming to ROCK THIS THING CRAZY once these shares come back up properly LOOK OUT, we already know which way is UP real good. Killing CANCERS, Getting AWARDS !!!
We can issue the CBIS GIFT Shares & start the TV Show at the same time.
Yeah = Not Happy. Fighting off all the Viral Monsters, and their Partners, the Corporate Pirates' and their Vultures at the same time, LOLOLOL. GOT ME ON ONE !!! Feeling like BLACKSUPERMAN or some MESS. Lol.
FIGHTING Just so we can conduct NORMAL BUSINESS ???
You tell me, WHATS THE DEAL.
Guess what? We know the DEAL.
Big Deal ... of the Century ...
Maybe we change the TV Show Name to "The BIG DEAL".
Yeah some PEOPLE have issue with this FACT.
Yeah some PEOPLE want to Destroy this FACT.
Yeah some PEOPLE want to LIE about this FACT.
Some PEOPLE want to Support this FACT.
Some PEOPLE want to INVEST in this FACT.
Some PEOPLE have Lives for this FACT.
We are here and it is RIGHT NOW.
WE WON, time to Finish the Award Show.
Talk soon
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UPDATE #1 September 16, 2022
Quick conversation EVERYONE needs to read. Hopefully COMMON Sense takes Precedence on the Stage from this point...UPDATE #1 September 16, 2022
Quick conversation EVERYONE needs to read. Hopefully COMMON Sense takes Precedence on the Stage from this point forward! Cheers Guys !!!
is there a study being done at this current time through cannabis science to expand upon the killing cancer claims? what products/services are being sold to have the company make a profit? thank you! trying to understand more
Yeah. We HAD plenty of Cancer KILLING Drugs PRODUCTS being developed SUCCESSFULLY, amongst other Successful critical ailment Drug targets. Yeah, approximately $77,000,000.00 USD worth of CANCER KILLING Drugs and Research work for our HARVARD deal and for going into the FDA ... gone.
Yeah. We HAD Lawyer issues so we are fixing $$$ it to RECOUP our ASSETS and GET THAT BACK ON TRACK. Yeah. Hmmm.
Yeah. To help you understand a very basic DAGGER thrown at our (OUR) Collective Successful COMPANY and share trading VALUES. HARVARD Award Winning CANCER KILLING SUCCESS, kind of Success. So you know our PAIN and HURDLES "if you call them that".
Yeah = (Not Happy)
Very basic and Simplistic.
IMAGINE how much WE PAID in Legal fees and Travels for EVERYONE, DURING ALL THE COURT procedures, depositions etc ... We continue forward STRONGER with some BRAND NEW LESSONS LEARNT.
*** Let's keep this Real Simple too!
ALL DAY Today there is a bunch of updates coming for the GIFTS and a few other things we have underway. OBVIOUSLY, so many calls and EMAILS we get, EVERYWHERE. Lol ... a FULL-TIME JOB JUST TO CATCH UP.
*** (The Business) Raymond, TV Show, Gala Events & Conferences, Universities, & CSi-EDP ECO-System, CSi Drug Development, Thermic, MEDIA, etc ... and Investments.
*** (The Shares) Robert will be handling ALL the Share Issuances and Investments processing.
1. I hope WE all understand we have NO TIME TO WASTE.
2. OUR FOCUS is "Bring in Enough Investors" to SUCCEED, Period.
3. OUR FOCUS is the TV Show Launch, "our Audience" to Accomplish our GOALS, Celebrities raising $20 Million to KEEP Killing Cancers. Period.
2. All our FDA Drug Targets are underway again.
3. All our Universities are training Students.
Lets get the money! and lets get the JOB DONE. Again.
One more TIME. Period.
This time we make it to the FDA with ALL OUR DRUG ASSETS and KILL the Cancers Permanently.
Talk soon Guys!
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*** Warning this document contains graphic images.
Click the Below Image to Review our Cancer Drug Comparables
The ASU Digital Business HUB will be used as the main business student learning center. GBXI will be the main pivot point to spin out trading shares of all our Partner Public and Private Companies such as Cannabis Science, iCannabinoid, Thermic Science, LNC, LMG, and a few more old and new school surprises for our loyal shareholders. No one will be missed! A true Digital Business HUB for students, just as planned all along.
Each spinout company will give our GBXI registered shareholders additional pro-rata shares in each spinout company over and above their original shares in each entity. This provides the required shareholder base for each company required to trade and gives additional shares to all our loyal GBXI shareholders.
We call this “Compounding our Wealth” through extra spinout share participation for all our loyal GBXI shareholders. Each registered GBXI shareholder will receive additional shares of each spinout Company over and above their original shares to enjoy additional liquidity as each company begins to trade through the GBXI Digital Business HUB spinout process.
Click here to review the Report:
Case No. 2:17-CV-02271-KJM-JDP
Inspire, Dream, Change
YOUR DIGITAL ERA Personal & Business Access Learning HUB
*** Warning this document contains exciting images.
Pease Click the Calendar image to book your time to speak with Mr. Dabney about "Your Final CSi-VIP Shareholder Legacy".
The FINAL “CBIS GIFT Shares” Issuances!
ALL GIFT Shares 1, 2, & 3 being ISSUED !!!
LAST Steps:
Please confirm Yours NOW !!!
1. CONFIRM Correct Total Share Amount(s)
2. CONFIRM Correct Name(s) on CERTIFICATE
3. CONFIRM Correct Mailing Address
At it's FINEST !!!
Those who, MAKE things happen.
Those who WATCH things happen.
Those who WONDER what the ... HAPPENED ???
We can make this HAPPEN way FASTER Working as a TEAM !!!
WHAT Matters is how much you CARE about KILLING CANCERS ...
This is it ... We are ALL Here ... Now ... with a Bunch of Celebrities going on TV Worldwide to Start raising $20 Million to Keep Killing Cancers.
2025 Audit considerations NASDAQ.
Cannabis Science Inc.
Share Structure 2025
Par Value: $0.001 USD
Last Price: $0.00647 USD
OTC Markets.
Common Stock:
Fully Diluted:
Class A Common Stock
Class B Common Stock
Preferred Stock
Sign up for a FREE Assessment to JOIN the UNIVERSITY Team or any ASU/CSi-EDP Team for whatever your AREA of Expertise is … then say no more… you already know.
You already know our Extensive LIST of GROUNDBREAKING Products.
1-Million STRONG TV Coverage, HARVARD Award Success.
*** APPLY for FREE in CONFIDENCE and Success.
Each Product launch WE RELEASE will include Equity Participation according to standard salaries and share bonus structures.
Hello Raymond, Feb 12 2025;
Raymond, we are more than halfway through Q1 2025, and it has been quite a while since we have heard a word or two from...Hello Raymond, Feb 12 2025;
Raymond, we are more than halfway through Q1 2025, and it has been quite a while since we have heard a word or two from either you or EBYH (our Strategic Partner). What's been going on, and what's the hold-up?
I also want to comment on the fact that there is only one portal for making a payment on the Live Negotiator Corp platform for each of the following:
1-Million Strong Fight Club Memberships, CSi-Loyalty Gifts, CSi-VIP Status $1,000.00+ VIP All Status for all CSi-EDP Events and Opportunities, and the CSi-VIP Legacy Ownership. Thank you for your continued support of our Projects!
Yet, when making a payment, there is no place on that payment form to state which of the aforementioned fundraising activities that payment is to be applied to.
I know that the goal of the 1-Million Strong Fight Club was to raise $20 million via $20 payments from 1 Million people. How many people have joined, and how much has been raised to date? Even Jimmy Fund reports these totals to the public. Furthermore, I would be inclined to make another $20 payment if I was assured that that money was being applied to that specific entity.
The same applies to all of the other fundraising activities. Just how much has been collected to date for each? What's the big secret?
In GOD we trust - EVERYONE ELSE should be held accountable.
Frustration builds up when there is a lack of communication. I anxiously await your response.
Very Truly Yours,
...Francis G. Cormier III
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