Good morning Guys! January 29, 2024 UPDATE
Things are beginning to move much faster for us on a number of levels so I just put out this UPDATE Today...Good morning Guys! January 29, 2024 UPDATE
Things are beginning to move much faster for us on a number of levels so I just put out this UPDATE Today for Everyone:
GBXI ASU/CSi-EDP UPDATE, January 29, 2024
Progress, Progress, Progress, the Keys to our Success.
I just sent an email communication to ALL our VIP-Status Members. If you did not receive yours and you are a VIP. Please contact me asap, to make sure you are are on the list.
Today's UPDATE:
I know there has been a lot going on over the past couple years to bring our Shares back trading. I get it, sometimes its tough to keep up with the changes and progress if you are Not reading the iCannabinoid website, and sometimes even if you are, things do move fast sometimes.
*** Yes, it is ALL a “Moving Target” at this point until we get all our Exchange Approvals and Resume our Filings and Trading, GBXI first. That is why you see us partnering and purchasing more Public Companies, (GBXI) so we make sure that we have WHATEVER tools it takes for us to Succeed and bring ALL our Shares back trading again, one way and another.
Thanks for ALL your Support through the THICK and Thin, just like the rest of our Loyal Shareholders, we CERTAINLY believe your Investments are going to pay-off in multiples based on our progress, especially over the past year or so to grow our company assets and projects. We should all do very well.
All our Shareholders are on iCannabinoid reading the News Releases and our Posts to make sure they stay up-to-date with everything going on with our Group of Companies.
Where are your Shares ??
*** All our Shares should be wherever we left them last, we (the Company) do NOT have any of our Shareholder Shares unless you specifically sent them to the Company for safekeeping and no one has.
*** No one can just take your Shares or Sell your Shares without your permission. That becomes a Police or SEC matter, we have been assured by the SEC that ALL our Shares will STAY intact so when we do our Exchange Filings all our Shares will resume trading and ALL our Shareholders Shares will remain in full.
*** If your Broker has no clue, please get an Official “written statement” from them as to where your shares are, what they did, and what happened to them.
*** These are the places your Shares should be:
1. At your Brokerage Firm, it seems some Brokerage Firms changed the Company name to a number, that is NOT done by us. The Company name is still the same Cannabis Science Inc., et al. You would read about name changes coming directly from the Company if that was so.
2. In your hands, some of us ordered physical paper certificates from the broker or transfer agent to be delivered to yourself for your own safe keeping.
3. At the Transfer Agent, whatever Transfer Agent was the Company Transfer Agent at the time the Shares were trading they still has the Shares on their books and in your name, they can not just give your shares away either without your specific permission. STC Stock Transfer (CBIS), Signature Stock Transfer (ENDO), et al.
All our Corporate, Updates, Share-Trading, and Share-Issuance updates will be posted on iCannabinoid in real-time! So, you know where to go whenever you want real-time information.
When will our Shares TRADE AGAIN ???
*** Quick Update on our Share Issuances and Trading in case you missed this Post:
1. At this point we are at the same “hurry up and wait” status with the Exchange Approvals for Trading again, we have and continue to go back and forth with comments.
2. Once we receive the Exchange Approvals we will resume the Share issuances.
3. We are putting all our News Releases on iCannabinoid website.
4. If you believe you missed something it will be posted there for sure.
5. We are here Front and Center UNTIL we resume trading, regardless of Anything thrown in our path, plenty have tried. Once trading I think I need a Vacation for a week or so, it will be well deserved, that much I know!
Is the Company MAKING ANY MONEY ??
Do we have products on the Market today ??
What are my Shares worth today, my BROKER account says ZERO, is that True ??
*** Quick update on our Operations Progress, all updated on iCannabinoid as well.
1. Hurry up and wait on Exchange Approvals for GBXI so we can resume our spinout trading plans for Cannabis Science et al.
2. We completed our “First” 3rd Party Independent Cancer Drug Valuation $25-29 Million today, (this is for each cancer drug we own). We have more than one Cancer Drug Target. This Valuation for our Cancer Killing Drugs changes things dramatically for us ALL. We expect our Share Trading values to reflect this confirmed valuation and once we bring them back to Trade we think the share pricing will Pleasantly Surprise us all as we proceed to bring our Cancer Killing Drugs to market.
3. We just announced our “Inaugural” 1-Million STRONG, Celebrities Raising $20 Million to Keep Killing Cancers Fundraiser Expo Event, Dinner GALA Awards Show, in Vancouver BC. (Final Title and Date Announcements, Forthcoming). We expect this to be some sort of Success, we think we can raise close to $1 million to progress our Cancer Killing Drugs and Corporate operations to Successfully begin our FDA IND# application. That is the purpose of the Fundraiser.
4. CHEERS! to the 2024 New Year Kick-off of our CSi-VIP Legacy Drug Ownership Event, CSi-VIP Legacy Drug Ownership, we just released the rules and regulations. Everyone can participate if they choose, I believe in Legacy, even though the word is used at the Highest Levels, I believe we ALL can leave a Legacy for our Families, that is why most of us work so hard and NEVER Give up, regardless. We grind it out and find a new paths to Success and make it happen.
5. Hopefully we are ALL ok, lots of craziness happening out there on this planet we Share, and we still must march forward. We ALL keep moving forward with all the climate changes, political changes, financials changes, and plenty more changes out there. Just stay True to Form, Trust God, and don’t let anyone tell you what you can not do. Just do it, and do not stop until you get there. Keep searching and take whatever Paths you MUST take to get there. You gotta be Brave because some of it is UNCHARTED Territory, and some do not want you to make it, if you keep it moving forward, you will eventually get there this much I know.
All the Best Guys!
Remember, God has Blessed us all.
It’s up to us what we do with that Blessing!
Thanks again,
Mr. Raymond C. Dabney
President & CEO, Chancellor
GBX International Group Inc., (GBXI)
American States University (ASU)
Cannabis Science Inc. (CSi-EDP)
Thermic Science (ENDO)
iCannabinoid (iCann)
Cell +1.778.288.1389
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*** Warning this document contains graphic images.
Click the Below Image to Review our Cancer Drug Comparables
The ASU Digital Business HUB will be used as the main business student learning center. GBXI will be the main pivot point to spin out trading shares of all our Partner Public and Private Companies such as Cannabis Science, iCannabinoid, Thermic Science, LNC, LMG, and a few more old and new school surprises for our loyal shareholders. No one will be missed! A true Digital Business HUB for students, just as planned all along.
Each spinout company will give our GBXI registered shareholders additional pro-rata shares in each spinout company over and above their original shares in each entity. This provides the required shareholder base for each company required to trade and gives additional shares to all our loyal GBXI shareholders.
We call this “Compounding our Wealth” through extra spinout share participation for all our loyal GBXI shareholders. Each registered GBXI shareholder will receive additional shares of each spinout Company over and above their original shares to enjoy additional liquidity as each company begins to trade through the GBXI Digital Business HUB spinout process.
Click here to review the Report:
Case No. 2:17-CV-02271-KJM-JDP
Inspire, Dream, Change
YOUR DIGITAL ERA Personal & Business Access Learning HUB
*** Warning this document contains exciting images.
Pease Click the Calendar image to book your time to speak with Mr. Dabney about "Your Final CSi-VIP Shareholder Legacy".
The FINAL “CBIS GIFT Shares” Issuances!
ALL GIFT Shares 1, 2, & 3 being ISSUED !!!
LAST Steps:
Please confirm Yours NOW !!!
1. CONFIRM Correct Total Share Amount(s)
2. CONFIRM Correct Name(s) on CERTIFICATE
3. CONFIRM Correct Mailing Address
At it's FINEST !!!
Those who, MAKE things happen.
Those who WATCH things happen.
Those who WONDER what the ... HAPPENED ???
We can make this HAPPEN way FASTER Working as a TEAM !!!
WHAT Matters is how much you CARE about KILLING CANCERS ...
This is it ... We are ALL Here ... Now ... with a Bunch of Celebrities going on TV Worldwide to Start raising $20 Million to Keep Killing Cancers.
2025 Audit considerations NASDAQ.
Cannabis Science Inc.
Share Structure 2025
Par Value: $0.001 USD
Last Price: $0.00647 USD
OTC Markets.
Common Stock:
Fully Diluted:
Class A Common Stock
Class B Common Stock
Preferred Stock
Sign up for a FREE Assessment to JOIN the UNIVERSITY Team or any ASU/CSi-EDP Team for whatever your AREA of Expertise is … then say no more… you already know.
You already know our Extensive LIST of GROUNDBREAKING Products.
1-Million STRONG TV Coverage, HARVARD Award Success.
*** APPLY for FREE in CONFIDENCE and Success.
Each Product launch WE RELEASE will include Equity Participation according to standard salaries and share bonus structures.
Good morning Guys! January 29, 2024 UPDATE
Things are beginning to move much faster for us on a number of levels so I just put out this UPDATE Today...Good morning Guys! January 29, 2024 UPDATE
Things are beginning to move much faster for us on a number of levels so I just put out this UPDATE Today for Everyone:
GBXI ASU/CSi-EDP UPDATE, January 29, 2024
Progress, Progress, Progress, the Keys to our Success.
I just sent an email communication to ALL our VIP-Status Members. If you did not receive yours and you are a VIP. Please contact me asap, to make sure you are are on the list.
Today's UPDATE:
I know there has been a lot going on over the past couple years to bring our Shares back trading. I get it, sometimes its tough to keep up with the changes and progress if you are Not reading the iCannabinoid website, and sometimes even if you are, things do move fast sometimes.
*** Yes, it is ALL a “Moving Target” at this point until we get all our Exchange Approvals and Resume our Filings and Trading, GBXI first. That is why you see us partnering and purchasing more Public Companies, (GBXI) so we make sure that we have WHATEVER tools it takes for us to Succeed and bring ALL our Shares back trading again, one way and another.
Thanks for ALL your Support through the THICK and Thin, just like the rest of our Loyal Shareholders, we CERTAINLY believe your Investments are going to pay-off in multiples based on our progress, especially over the past year or so to grow our company assets and projects. We should all do very well.
All our Shareholders are on iCannabinoid reading the News Releases and our Posts to make sure they stay up-to-date with everything going on with our Group of Companies.
Where are your Shares ??
*** All our Shares should be wherever we left them last, we (the Company) do NOT have any of our Shareholder Shares unless you specifically sent them to the Company for safekeeping and no one has.
*** No one can just take your Shares or Sell your Shares without your permission. That becomes a Police or SEC matter, we have been assured by the SEC that ALL our Shares will STAY intact so when we do our Exchange Filings all our Shares will resume trading and ALL our Shareholders Shares will remain in full.
*** If your Broker has no clue, please get an Official “written statement” from them as to where your shares are, what they did, and what happened to them.
*** These are the places your Shares should be:
1. At your Brokerage Firm, it seems some Brokerage Firms changed the Company name to a number, that is NOT done by us. The Company name is still the same Cannabis Science Inc., et al. You would read about name changes coming directly from the Company if that was so.
2. In your hands, some of us ordered physical paper certificates from the broker or transfer agent to be delivered to yourself for your own safe keeping.
3. At the Transfer Agent, whatever Transfer Agent was the Company Transfer Agent at the time the Shares were trading they still has the Shares on their books and in your name, they can not just give your shares away either without your specific permission. STC Stock Transfer (CBIS), Signature Stock Transfer (ENDO), et al.
All our Corporate, Updates, Share-Trading, and Share-Issuance updates will be posted on iCannabinoid in real-time! So, you know where to go whenever you want real-time information.
When will our Shares TRADE AGAIN ???
*** Quick Update on our Share Issuances and Trading in case you missed this Post:
1. At this point we are at the same “hurry up and wait” status with the Exchange Approvals for Trading again, we have and continue to go back and forth with comments.
2. Once we receive the Exchange Approvals we will resume the Share issuances.
3. We are putting all our News Releases on iCannabinoid website.
4. If you believe you missed something it will be posted there for sure.
5. We are here Front and Center UNTIL we resume trading, regardless of Anything thrown in our path, plenty have tried. Once trading I think I need a Vacation for a week or so, it will be well deserved, that much I know!
Is the Company MAKING ANY MONEY ??
Do we have products on the Market today ??
What are my Shares worth today, my BROKER account says ZERO, is that True ??
*** Quick update on our Operations Progress, all updated on iCannabinoid as well.
1. Hurry up and wait on Exchange Approvals for GBXI so we can resume our spinout trading plans for Cannabis Science et al.
2. We completed our “First” 3rd Party Independent Cancer Drug Valuation $25-29 Million today, (this is for each cancer drug we own). We have more than one Cancer Drug Target. This Valuation for our Cancer Killing Drugs changes things dramatically for us ALL. We expect our Share Trading values to reflect this confirmed valuation and once we bring them back to Trade we think the share pricing will Pleasantly Surprise us all as we proceed to bring our Cancer Killing Drugs to market.
3. We just announced our “Inaugural” 1-Million STRONG, Celebrities Raising $20 Million to Keep Killing Cancers Fundraiser Expo Event, Dinner GALA Awards Show, in Vancouver BC. (Final Title and Date Announcements, Forthcoming). We expect this to be some sort of Success, we think we can raise close to $1 million to progress our Cancer Killing Drugs and Corporate operations to Successfully begin our FDA IND# application. That is the purpose of the Fundraiser.
4. CHEERS! to the 2024 New Year Kick-off of our CSi-VIP Legacy Drug Ownership Event, CSi-VIP Legacy Drug Ownership, we just released the rules and regulations. Everyone can participate if they choose, I believe in Legacy, even though the word is used at the Highest Levels, I believe we ALL can leave a Legacy for our Families, that is why most of us work so hard and NEVER Give up, regardless. We grind it out and find a new paths to Success and make it happen.
5. Hopefully we are ALL ok, lots of craziness happening out there on this planet we Share, and we still must march forward. We ALL keep moving forward with all the climate changes, political changes, financials changes, and plenty more changes out there. Just stay True to Form, Trust God, and don’t let anyone tell you what you can not do. Just do it, and do not stop until you get there. Keep searching and take whatever Paths you MUST take to get there. You gotta be Brave because some of it is UNCHARTED Territory, and some do not want you to make it, if you keep it moving forward, you will eventually get there this much I know.
All the Best Guys!
Remember, God has Blessed us all.
It’s up to us what we do with that Blessing!
Thanks again,
Mr. Raymond C. Dabney
President & CEO, Chancellor
GBX International Group Inc., (GBXI)
American States University (ASU)
Cannabis Science Inc. (CSi-EDP)
Thermic Science (ENDO)
iCannabinoid (iCann)
Cell +1.778.288.1389
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I am now confirming calculations based on... Show more 1 year ago